Menu > Student record > Forms General Help
Detail of a form
Complete, modify or consult a student's form. The form is displayed in accordance with its structure and the data it contains. If the user is limited to viewing the form, it will not be possible to enter modifications or to view the confidential data.
The form's sections are identified by a line with a grey background containing the name of the section. This identification line is displayed if the section's Display name option is checked in the form definition.

If the section is repetitive, we will find, in the section's identification line (necessarily displayed in this case), the following commands:
Add lines in section  The Add command displays on screen the number of lines requested to be used to enter new information in the section.
Remove lines from section The Delete command eliminates from the database the section lines selected on screen.
In form creation, the repetitive sections will begin with the number of lines to be completed corresponding to the Default number of repeats indicated for the section in the form definition. The default values, if appropriate, appear on each of the lines.
The data are displayed in the section according to the layout properties indicated for the data name and for the data itself:
- Position (column and line)
- Dimension (width and height)
- Alignment (horizontal and vertical)
The name of the data is displayed in accordance with the Display name option (not displayed, normal or bold).
The display and management of a data take into account the properties that are defined for the data in the form structure. Each type of data has its characteristics:
Entry-field zone A one-line entry zone is displayed for the width indicated.
Pulldown text zone An entry zone is displayed of the width and height indicated.

If the Rich Text option is specified in the form definition, the zone is accompanied by the extended editing icon to edit the text using the editor.
Date A Date entry zone is displayed.
Number A Number entry zone or a pulldown menu allowing for the selection of a number is displayed, as per the selected editing mode. In the case of an entry zone, the value entered must be compatible with the format (whole, 1 or 2 decimals) and, if such is the case, be situated in the interval of values specified.
Yes or no Two option buttons are displayed: Yes and No.
Simple check box Only a check box is displayed.
Selection list Several options affect the management of a selection list:
  • The Selection list associated to the data constitutes the complete series of values proposed.
  • The Edition mode indicates the type of selection (single or multiple choice) and determines if the selection is done directly in the form's page or in a screen specifically set up for this. In the latter case, the values selected appear in consultation in the form and the  icon is used to access the Extended selection screen in order to complete or modify the selection. When the selection list is a list of personnel, the  icon is used to access the Selection of authorized personnel screen.
  • The Other allowed option indicates whether the user can enter values other than those proposed in the selection list. If the selection is done directly in the form page, only one Other value zone is allowed. If the selection is done in the extended selection page, several other values can be provided. 
Observation table The observation table is a two-dimension entry zone assembled from the elements placed in the vertical axis and observation data defined in the horizontal axis.

Each observation data is managed in accordance with its own type of entry (single choice, multiple choice or text zone). In the case of observations by selection, the different values defined in the observation grid become the available choices and are shown in the table heading, beneath the observation data.
Information The information text is displayed in normal or bold character, in viewing mode.
Student data The student data is displayed in normal or bold character, in viewing mode.
Internet link The data name is displayed as a hyperlink. This hyperlink leads to the Internet address associated to the data.
Image The image associated to the data is displayed in the size specified.
File The data name is displayed as a hyperlink. This hyperlink displays the content of the file associated to the data.
Certain types of data can be repetitive:

- Entry-field zone
- Date
- Number

Entry zones are displayed as per the number of repetitions indicated and are disposed horizontally or vertically depending on the repetition-layout option.
Default values can be associated to the different types of data to enter (except in the Observation chart). These values are displayed by default upon the first entry in the student form, in creation.

In the case of a repetitive data, only one default value is displayed (in the first repetition).

If the data is part of a repetitive section, the default value is displayed for each new line inserted in the section. A section line containing only default values, with no changes having been brought, will be ignored when saved.
The user must complete all the required data in the form before being able to save it. This property may apply to the different types of data to enter (except the Simple check box and the Observation chart).

In the case of a required repetitive data, at least one of the entry zones must be completed.

The required data in a new line of a repetitive section are required starting when at least one data in the line is completed.
The user who is authorized to complete or modify the student form has access to all the form's data, including the confidential sections and data. The confidential data are framed in red to indicate that the text entered in these zones will not be visible to the authorized personnel limited to viewing the form, such as parents.

The user who is limited to viewing the form does not see the confidential sections and data (neither on screen nor in print). The data of the sections to which they are authorized in modification can be modified. All the other form data are displayed in a viewing format.
The user who is authorized to complete or modify the student form can attach a note to the data for which this is allowed. In this case, the icon appears to the right of the data and leads to the Note screen used to enter the note that, depending on the selection, will be accessible to all or confidential.

Different variants of the icon displayed in the form allow us to distinguish the situations: 

No note is attached to the data
A note accessible to all is attached to the data
A confidential note is attached to the data

The user who is limited to viewing the form never has access to the confidential notes. They can view the other notes but cannot modify them or add new ones.

The context-sensitive help texts set up in the form definition become accessible to users through the icon. This icon accompanies each of the elements for which a help text was defined. This can be at the level of the form, the section, the data and, in the case of a data of the Observation table type, at the level of the elements to be observed and the observation data.  

The context-sensitive help can be consulted either in the form of Balloon help by positioning the mouse on the help icon, or a help screen added on by clicking on the same icon.

Save The Save command records the changes entered in the student form in the database.

When data of the Date or Selection list (personnel) type are completed, modified or removed from the student form, the system automatically generates the appropriate changes in the personnel's agenda in accordance with the requests for entries in the agenda indicated in the form definition.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the form.
Print form The command located in the SPI banner display the page Print form screen used to enter the print parameters for the form.