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Selection of types of authorized personnel
Select the authorized personnel who will be alerted of a situation (prevention criteria) or, depending on the context, the authorized personnel who will be allowed to complete or view a form (definition of forms).

The types of authorized personnel displayed will be limited to those which were retained in the Authorized personnel activity.
The types of authorized personnel are displayed with the following groupings:
Authorized personnel categories The selection of a category represents all the personnel from this category, in accordance with the category associated to the personnel in the GPI Authorized personnel table.
Functions of authorized personnel The selection of a function represents all the personnel from this function, in accordance with the function associated to the personnel in the GPI Authorized personnel table.
Personnel working with student These personnel groups will depend on the student processed:
- Homeroom teacher
The teachers responsible for the student's homeroom.
- Teachers
Each of the teachers associated to the subjects to which the student is registered.
- School administrators
The authorized personnel designated as school administrators in the student's report card. The school administrators are determined in GPI in accordance with the students' class, distribution code and classification code.
- Adults responsible
The father, mother, guardian, as per the adults responsible codes in the student's record.
- Student
The student as such.
The desired types of authorized personnel are selected by using the check boxes. The "external authorized personnel" are not proposed in this context.
Ok The Ok command returns to the previous page while saving the changes that were entered.
Cancel The Cancel command returns to the previous page while ignoring the changes that were entered.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page while remaining in the page.