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View the student's summary results for each subject, for all the years contained in the database (including the current year), regardless of the school attended.
The table displays all the student's subjects, in order of subject description. The following information is displayed for each subject:
Subject Subject code.
Description Subject description.
Summary result by year-school One column per annual record for the student is provided in the table, in order of year and school. The heading contains the year and, below, the school code. The summary result obtained by the student for the subject is placed in the corresponding column for the year-school. It is possible that a given subject (regardless of the section) was taken by the student in more than one year-school; in this case, several summary results appear on the same line.

If the student is registered to the same subject several times (in different sections) for the same year-school, the result retained for display is that of the student's subject whose status is, in order of priority:  5 (continuing), 1 (active), 8 (finished), 6 (equivalence), 0 (inactive). For a given status, a result entered has precedence over a blank result.

Only for the subject-sections of the current year, if an alert exists concerning the summary result for the student's subject-section, the summary result is displayed in the alert colour.
At the bottom of the table, a summary line contains, for each year-school:
Summary average 

Student's summary average.

Only for the column of the current year, if an alert exists concerning the summary average for the student, the summary average is displayed in the alert colour.

A legend is displayed to provide the names of the schools attended by the student, in order of school code.

A legend is displayed, if needed, to provide the significance of the grades present in the subject summary for the student, in order of grade.

School       001: Harvard school, 004: Princeton school
   Result       A: Beyond expectations C: Correctly covers 

The name of a school or the significance of a grade in the summary can also be obtained with the balloon help that is displayed when the mouse is positioned on the data.

When an asterisk (*) appears to the right of a value highlighted by an alert, it means that the current value of the data displayed no longer corresponds to the value examined at the time of the alert detection. It could thus be that the alert colour displayed is no longer valid. In this case, the following message appears at the bottom of the page:
The value has changed since the last detection of alerts

A graph illustrates the evolution of the student's summary average from one year to another, on a scale of 0 to 100.