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Consult the list of participants of each meeting in an IEP. An opening meeting, any review meetings and a closing meeting can be organized in a IEP.
The following information is attached to the meeting agenda :
Start Date This represents the exact day of meeting. It is mandatory (the date of the day is by default).
End Date This represents the ending date of the meeting. A meeting can last more than a day.
Type This represents what type of meeting will take place: Opening, Review or Closing.
Host The host can be a participant present at the meeting who is either a teacher or an authorized personnel of the school. If the host is not part of the school administration, please enter this information.
List of participants All the participants chosen to assist the meeting are displayed.
Presence The checkbox indicates the presence of a participant in the meeting.
List of participants

Participants are divided into different groups in order to quickly establish the role each participant will play.
If no member of a group is invited to the meeting, this group will not be displayed.

Possible combinations include :
  • Student and adults responsible for student :
    His/her father, mother or guardian are the responsible adults in this category. An adult barred by the courts cannot be invited.

  • Administration :
    The administrators' list is derived from those indicated as eligible in the ISM Authorized Personnel table.

  • The student's teachers :
    Homeroom teacher and other teachers are posted in the ISM system and can be invited. In order to facilitate the selection of persons invited to the conference, the names of the homeroom teacher and the subject-area teachers are indicated.

  • Authorized personnel of the school :
    All authorized personnel other than school administrators and teachers are posted and can be invited. As with administrators, those on the list of authorized school personnel are drawn from the ISM Authorized Personnel table. These choices were established previously.

  • External authorized personnel :
    Other persons relevant to the IEP can be invited. Their names, positions and emails should be entered.
Show / Hide The command +/- shows or hides the list of participants of a meeting.
Delete The Delete command removes from the data bank the selected meeting and the list of participants that have been checked for deletion in the database. A confirmation message is displayed when a document is about to be deleted. In addition, if an invitation to attend the selected meeting was sent, an email will be sent to the invited participants to advise them that the meeting is canceled. Note that no email cancellation notice will be sent to the student neither the adults responsible for the student.
Save The Save command registers in the database all changes made to the form.
Add a meeting The Add a meeting command is used to add a meeting to the IEP.
Print an IEP Plan The command, situated at the right of meetings is used to print IEP plan.
The access to this page and its actions is granted by the user's application profile.