Menu > Forms > Definition of a form General Help
Define the events to generate in the personnel's agenda from the form. During the input of the form for a student, the system will automatically place in the selected personnel's agenda, at the dates specified, an event concerning the form and the student.
Each entry in the agenda is defined by the following information:
Authorized personnel


The pulldown menu shows the name of data of type Selection list (personnel) that are defined in the form, regardless of the section, in order of data name ("Select" is displayed by default).

An additional choice, "Form author", is offered when the copy-management mode is One individual copy or Several individual copies. This selection is used to generate events in the agenda of the personnel who completes the student form upon entry of the dates involved.

The selection of an Authorized personnel is required.
Date The pulldown menu presents the name of data of type Date that are defined in the form, regardless of the section, in order of data name ("Select" is displayed by default).

The selection of a Date data is required.
Description Text to enter in the personnel's agenda. The  icon calls up the Extended editing screen used to complete the text in a larger area.
Alert type Colour used to identify the event in the personnel's agenda. The pulldown menu proposes the types of alert defined by the school ("None" by default). The selection of the alert type can also be done with the  icon which displays the Alert type screen.
The various events to be signalled in the personnel's agenda are presented in order of Authorized personnel name, then in order of Date data name. The form's events must be unique in the combination "Authorized personnel data" and "Date data".
Add events The Add command displays on screen the desired number of lines, allowing for the entry of new events to be signalled in the personnel's agenda.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.
Delete events The Delete command eliminates from the database the events selected.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.