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Extended selection
Complete a data of type Selection list in a page specifically set up for this purpose.
All possible choices are displayed on screen, preceded by radio buttons in the case of a single selection, or check boxes in the case of a multiple selection.

The elements are grouped together by theme if appropriate (the elements without theme are displayed first).

When the definition of the data in the form allows it, it is possible to complete "other" selections if the choices offered are not adequate for the situation. Only one "other" choice is allowed if the selection is unique; several other choices are allowed if the selection is multiple.

If the selection is unique and not mandatory, the additional choice "None" is offered in order to be able to cancel the selection already made.
Add The Add command displays the desired number of lines used to enter the "other" selections. This command is only available in the case of a multiple selection allowing the "other" selections.
Ok The Ok command returns to the previous page while saving the changes that were entered.
Cancel The Cancel command returns to the previous page while ignoring the changes that were entered.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page while remaining in the page.