Menu > Student record > Memos > Interventions on memos General Help
Detail of intervention on memos
Complete, modify or consult the detail of an intervention on the student's memos.
The following data describe the intervention:
Date Date of the intervention. It is mandatory (current date by default). It cannot be modified once the intervention is created.
Intervention Selection of the intervention code. It is mandatory. The pulldown menu proposes the description of the different intervention codes on memos defined in the GPI "parameterized school data" ("Select" by default). It cannot be modified once the intervention is created.
Authorized personnel First name and family name of the authorized personnel associated to the intervention.

The pulldown menu proposes, in alphabetical order, the family name and first name of the school's authorized personnel (by default, the personnel corresponding to the user). The first line in the menu is "None", which is used to not associate an authorized personnel to the intervention.
Text of the intervention Zone used to describe the intervention.
Alert author of memo Option used to generate an alert to the author of each of the memos that are linked to the intervention (box not checked by default).
At the bottom of the page, a table allows the user to link the memos to the intervention. The first grouping contains the memos currently linked to the intervention while the second shows the memos that are not yet linked to an intervention. The memos are displayed in decreasing order of date in each of the groupings.

The check box preceding each memo is used to link the memo to the intervention.

For each memo, there is the following information:

- Date of the memo
- Security code
- Memo category
- Memo sub-category
- Author of memo

The memos considered for display are only those whose access is authorized and for which the "Intervention" part is also authorized in the memo profile for the security code considered. The check boxes used to link the memos to the intervention cannot be modified in the case where the user is not authorized to modify the intervention on these memos.

If an alert concerning the number of new memos exists for the student, the memo category is displayed in the alert colour for each of the new memos corresponding to the alert.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.

For the memos linked to the intervention, the intervention date, the intervention code as well as the personnel associated to the intervention are placed in the memos. For the memos that are no longer linked to the intervention, the intervention date, the intervention code as well as the personnel associated to the intervention are blanked out from the memos.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.
The Save and Undo commands and the check boxes used to link the memos to the intervention are available only if the user is authorized to the activity in modification in their application profile.