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Interventions on memos
Act on several of the student's memos. The page provides an overview of the interventions done up to now for the student. Each of the interventions can be linked to a series of specific memos.
The interventions are displayed in decreasing order of date. Each intervention contains the following information:
Date Date of the intervention.
Intervention Description of the intervention code.
Authorized personnel First name and family name of the authorized personnel associated to the intervention.
Add intervention The Add command displays the Detail of an intervention on memos screen used to create a new intervention on the student's memos.
Access intervention The command displays the  Detail of an intervention on memos screen used to modify an intervention on the student's memos.
Delete interventions The Delete command eliminates from the database the interventions selected on screen.

When the deleted intervention is linked to memos, the intervention date, the intervention code and the personnel who did the intervention are blanked out from the memos.
The Save and Undo commands and the check boxes are available only if the user is authorized to the activity in modification in their application profile.