Menu > Forms > Definition of a form > Section General Help
Yes or no
Define the properties of a data of type Yes or no. This type of data is displayed in the form of two radio buttons whose values are Yes and No.
Sequence number of data Number setting the order of presentation of the data in the table displayed at the bottom of the section page. It is required.
Name of data Name identifying the data (its title). It is required.
Display name Font style and height in pixels of the display name :

 - font style: <None>, Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
 - font size : <Default>, 8, ..., 72 pixels
Data layout Position, dimension and alignment of the data name and the data. See the Section screen.
Default value Value displayed by default when the student form is being created:

 - "None"  (default)
 - Yes
 - No
Required data Option indicating if the data has to be completed when a student form is being created (box not checked by default).
Note permitted Option allowing the possibility of attaching a note to the data when creating a student form (box not checked by default). When the note is permitted, the icon is displayed to the right of the data in the form.

The box cannot be unchecked if a note is already attached to the data in at least one student's form.
Confidential data Option indicating if the data is confidential or accessible to all (box not checked by default). A confidential data will only be visible to, and modifiable by, the form's authors. It is identified by a red frame.
Context-sensitive help Context-sensitive help relating to the data. The icon displays the Extended editing screen used to complete the text in a larger area. It will be possible for the form's users to consult the text by using the icon.
The lower part of the page shows a preview of the layout of the data placed in the section.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.